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The Sandbox: An Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Podcast

Apr 28, 2017

Has an uprising begun in the Framework is the latest Agents of SHIELD episode, All the Madame's Men? It certainly seems that way as Coulson inspiringly takes to the airwaves while Madame Hydra is down for the count. With Daisy's quake powers back in play and May back on the right team, the tide could certainly be...

Apr 21, 2017

Considering it was called No Regrets, we certainly did learn a lot about Fitz's regret in this week's Agents of SHIELD episode. And with the highs: seeing Mack back with the team, getting a surprise appearance from Trip; there were the lows: losing a valued member of the team that helped define season 4.

Join us for...

Apr 14, 2017

The Agents of Hydra pod continues in the latest Agents of SHIELD episode, Identity and Change, which finds Daisy and Jemma hooking up with another familiar face. Thank goodness Coulson is on board, but surely there will be consequences for the actions of May and Fitz should they ever awaken! Meanwhile we're still trying...

Apr 7, 2017

We're back from hiatus, and with What If... it's almost like we're talking about a different show other than Agents of SHIELD! With Jemma and Daisy experiencing the Framework in very different ways, we quickly got a picture of the world we'll be living in up until the finale. And then of course, there's the return of...